The Drawing Board: Misheard Lyrics

I present to you a Drawing Board short story.

The Drawing Board: Misheard Lyrics

By Josh Ralls

Jack Miller and his cousin Karen Gordon are chatting online about misheard lyrics. A goofy conversation is taking place.

Jack: Hi, Karen! What up?

Karen: Hi, Jack! Not much.

Jack: I’ve been thinking about misheard lyrics. You know “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga, right?

Karen: Yeah.

Jack: There’s a part where she says something about gloss. It sounds to me like “Gribble grass a glibble gloss.” I have no idea what she’s really saying.

Karen: Lol. I never noticed that.

Jack: In Jordon Sparks’ song “Battlefield”, she’s saying “Better go and get your armor.” However, I think it sounds like “Better go gitcharama.”

Karen: “Gitcharama?”

Jack: Yeah. Another one is Manfred Mann’s Earth Band’s song “Blinded by the Light” has lyrics that sound like “Blinded by the light, roll up bobba doosha, ‘nother roner in the night.” However, it’s actually “revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night.”

Karen: I know that song is really famous for its misheard lyrics.

Jack: Yeah, I’ve heard what people think it sounds like. I won’t get into it. Men at Work have this one lyric in “Land Down Under” that sounds to me like “Traveling in a vida combe.”

Karen: Yeah, It’s actually “traveling in a fried-out combie.”

Jack: I come from a land down undahh!

Karen: That’s a good song.

Jack: A lot of people seem to try to think up the closest, coherent lyrics to what their misheard lyrics sound like. If they sound like gibberish to me, then that’s what they sound like, like the “gitcharama” lyric.

Karen: That makes sense. Well, I have to go. TTYL.

Jack: Okay. Bye, cuz. :)

Karen: Bye. :)

That was pretty goofy. That’s all for now. TTYL.


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