X-Men: Days of Future Past is an excellent movie! It's an epic film with an ensemble cast. In my opinion, X-Men is always awesome. Add to that time travel, and it's beyond awesome! It's cool to see some of the cast from X-Men First Class , and some of the cast from the other X-Men movies, come together. It's exciting! It's all about the fate of mutant, and even human kind. Mystique plays a very important part in this movie, and I think that's cool. There has never been much focus on her in the movies. Jennifer Lawrence's performance as Mystique is really phenomenal. Wolverine also plays a big part in this movie and I think it's always cool to see him. Hugh Jackman has done a fantastic job of translating Wolverine to film over the years. James McAvoy gives a very dramatic portrayal of Professor Xavier. I could go on and on. There are lots of characters in this movie, and they're portrayed greatly by their actors. Omar Sy as Bishop, Halle Berry as S...