
Showing posts from December, 2012

The Cartoon Knight

"The Cartoon Knight" I got a The Dark Knight Rises drawing set for Christmas, and this is my first drawing with it. I decided to draw Batman from that movie and The Dark Knight , cartoon style. I drew it while I was watching an episode of Doctor Who . It was the episode where they all wear those eye patches. This was a fun picture to draw. Christopher Nolan's Batman films are masterpieces in my opinion. I think this drawing turned out to be pretty cool.

Christmas and New Year's

I hope everybody had a great Christmas. I did. The Doctor Who Christmas special, titled Doctor Who: the Snowmen , aired on Christmas night. It was great. I've done a couple of artworks since then that I think are really cool. New Year's is coming up, and I hope to get a lot of artwork done in the new year. I'm not in a hurry for the holidays to be over, but I am curious about what 2013 will bring, hopefully good things. Everyone, have a great New Year's ,and over all, a happy holidays.

Season's Greetings!

Season's greetings to all! I hope everyone has a great time this holiday season. It's a great time to celebrate with family and friends. It's a wonderful time to decorate, listen to holiday music, and watch Christmas movies. Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and also happy New Year!

Goof Jeans

"Goof Jeans"  This is kind of a parody of print ads for jeans. I almost colored this with colored pencils, but I decided to go digital instead. Besides penciling it, I inked it before I scanned and colored it.

Newtown, Connecticut Tragedy

I heard and read about the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut yesterday. It's a sad thing. Things like that shouldn't keep happening, and yet it does. My heart goes out the victims, and their families, of the tragedy. I wish them the best, and I hope that make it through such times the best they can.


"Brunette"  This is something I drew a week or two ago, and colored last night. I hadn't used colored pencils in awhile, so I decided to on this artwork. Prior to that, I drew it in pencil, and inked it. I started drawing cartoony drawings more often back when I started The Drawing Board . I think the more I draw these types of drawings, the more I get the hang of it.

Coming Up

I've done several drawings recently that I'm thinking of blogging. I think I'll want to digitally color at least some of them. I recently changed my profile picture on here and Twitter to a new cartoon portrait I drew of myself: I thought it would be cool to have a Christmas-themed cartoon self portrait for those things. I hope everybody is have a great time this holiday season. Merry Christmas, and happy holidays!

Banner Tabs

You may have noticed I have tabs on my banner now. I remembered that Terry Dodson , a comic book artist, had a tab menu on his blog. I wanted to have one too, so I've started one. Right now, I have a home tab, and a tab for my deviantART gallery. I'm working on a portfolio page which would be another tab. I like that the menu puts a space between the bottom of the banner and the top of the comic strip. The banner and The Drawing Board comic strip were almost touching before. So, there will be at least one more tab to come.