Here's another version of my "Frankenjosh" drawing for Halloween. I posted an earlier version of this for the 30 Day Drawing Challenge. This might be my only post for this week, so I'm posting an early Halloween post. Happy Halloween!
I was watching Thundercats last night and it occurred to me, there hasn't been a show like it since, or at least not many. For one thing, the animation is very realistic and detailed. Most animated action shows nowadays have a style similar to that of Batman: the Animated Series , or anime. Those types of animation are great, but there's been nothing that looks like Thundercats since the '80s or early '90s. Another thing is, as far as I remember, there also hasn't been many animated shows like it in the fantasy genre since. I think you could probably describe it as being somewhere between Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. I know there aren't talking cat people, living in a lair shaped like a giant cat, in either of those, but it sort of has the feel of those. Third Earth sort of resembles a world like the one in Lord of the Rings, with all kinds characters, but there is also technology like in Star Wars. Star Wars also has some worlds that don't look as tec...
I plan on debuting my new comic strip series this Sunday on here, as well as on deviantART. It's a three panel strip, and I plan on posting a new one every Sunday. This comic strip features the characters I've been blogging about on here, such as Jack Miller, Matt Kirby, Jennifer Kyle, etc. It will be right below the banner/header on here, and I'm thinking of putting it above my "Newest Deviations" section on my deviantART page. I'll archive the comic strips in a category in my gallery on there. You can go to my deviantART page by clicking on the link to the right. If you're interested, check out the first comic strip this weekend.
"The Face of Boe" This is another Doctor Who character I sketched. It's been said that Captain Jack Harness may at some point become the Face of Boe. I thought this was a good exercise in texture. The Face of Boe has a very textured face. I'm not sure if you'd call it scaly or rocky looking, or what. I used cross hatching for some of the less darker areas on his face. I decided with these sketches that I want to do cross hatching for some more or less dark areas. I want to leave other dark areas for possible digital coloring. I might decide to do that at some point with these Doctor Who sketches.