David Letterman's Farewell To Late Night

David Letterman's show ends tonight. Apparently, Bill Murray's was his last guest last night. So, Dave must be planning on doing something more or less different for the final episode. I honestly haven't watched David Letterman regularly in some time. But, I remember watching him when I was a kid. He had some crazy segments on his show. I remember segments on Late Night with David Letterman. I remember segments like Big Bud Melman. There were segments with Chris Elliott. One I seem to remember involved someone putting a basket full of bees over him. Viewer mail was a cool segment, especially when Dave rubbed his chin, leading to a flashback sequence. My favorite interview was with Michael Keaton for the Batman movie in 1989. At the time, when they showed a clip from the movie, I was confused as to why the Joker looked the way he looked. Vicki Vale had just splashed water on his face before the clip, rinsing off some of his makeup that make him look more or less normal. I think I was in fourth or fifth grade when David Letterman moved to CBS and had his new show, The Late Show with David Letterman. I think I continued to watch for awhile but I stopped at some point, only occasionally watching from then on.

Dave's final episode of his show airs tonight. I plan on watching it. After that, I suppose he retires from doing talk shows. I might do some kind of tribute artwork to David Letterman soon. I wonder if he's going to retire from entertainment altogether, or if it's just talk shows he's retiring from. In any case, late night won't be the same without him. Stephen Colbert will have some really big shoes to fill. Tonight is the end of an era. David Letterman, in my opinion, is one of the two greatest talk show hosts ever. Johnny Carson is of course the other one. Going into retirement from late night, Dave will leave a great legacy as one of the legends of late night.


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