Arrow/The Flash Sketches

"Arrow/The Flash Sketches"
I'm a major comic book geek, and I've been into the new comic book shows on TV, and the ones that have been around a season or two, or three. I recently did these sketches. Clockwise from the top, there's the Flash, Arrow, the chest of the Flash's costume, and Captain Boomerang. The shows Arrow and The Flash are great. I especially like The Flash. That show is lighter in tone. I like gritty, but sometimes lighter is refreshing. Barry Allen, a.k.a. the Flash, is kind of a funny character, but not so funny that he's a joke. Arrow is a gritty character and his show has a more serious tone. Other super heroes are appearing on these shows. Firestorm appeared on the mid-season finale of The Flash. Ray Palmer is appearing on Arrow, and he will eventually become The Atom.

There are almost enough comic book shows for every day of the week. There's The Flash and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on Tuesdays, Arrow on Wednesdays, and Constantine on Fridays. There have been reports about a Supergirl show for CBS, and a Teen Titans show for TNT. Within in a couple or a few years, we may have comic book shows on every night of the week. We may even have multiple comic book shows on each night. There's actually going to be a Marvel miniseries in, I think January, titled Agent Carter. It will feature the Peggy Carter character from the Captain America movies. With that and many many comic book films coming out, all in all it's a good time to be a comic book geek.


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