Comics And Sequential Art By Will Eisner

I'm planning on reading Comics and Sequential Art, by the late Will Eisner, some time soon. I have the edition that includes print and digital (Eisner cover). It's a great book for any aspiring artist. Will Eisner is a legend in the comics industry. The edition that I have has a quote by Neil Gaiman on the cover that I think sums up this book:

"When I decided I wanted to write comics, I bought a copy of Will Eisner's COMICS AND SEQUENTIAL ART, and studied it. If I were starting out today, with all the books on comics and graphic novels out there, I'd still begin with this book."

I've checked out this book many times from the library, and got my own copy some years ago as a present. It's a great book. It's got some very helpful information in it, and it's got great art by Will Eisner himself.

Works Cited

Eisner, Will. Comics and Sequential Art. Florida: Poorhouse Press, 2004. Print.
