And Now for Something Completely Different

"And Now for Something Completely Different"

I've been getting into Monty Python quite a bit lately. I read The First 20 Years of Monty Python. I watched Monty Python's the Meaning of Life. I've been looking up trailers for the movies and things like that. I drew this, this week. I was going to call it "Monty Python Sketch Dump," but I didn't like the sound of it. I particularly didn't like the word "dump." It makes it sound like the drawing isn't good for anything but trash. A sketch dump is like various drawings on one page that you'll never use for anything. I felt like drawing Monty Python, so I started by drawing John Cleese doing the silly walk. Then I think it was "IT'S" that I drew next, then the caption saying "AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT." Then I drew the hand, and lastly the clouds. I basically did various Monty Python doodles on one sheet of paper. This was my last blank sheet of paper from my large The Dark Knight Rises drawing pad. So, "it's" some Monty Python doodles.


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