Karen Gordon - Chapter One

Karen Gordon – Chapter 1
By Josh Ralls

It was Sunday evening when Karen Gordon’s aunt, also Jack Miller’s mother, called.

Mrs. Miller: “Hello, Hon!”

Karen: “Hello, Aunt Sarah!”

Mrs. Miller: “How are you doing?”

Karen: “I’m doing great.”

Mrs. Miller: “How’s your job at the museum?”

Karen: “It’s great! I love history.”

Karen and Mrs. Miller often call each other on the phone and chat. Karen’s father, George, is Mrs. Miller’s brother. The Millers and the Gordons are all very close. They get together for Thanksgiving and Christmas every year. Karen often calls Jack as well, or e-mails him or chats with him online.

Mrs. Miller: “Did you know that Jack is working on his own comic book series?”

Karen: “Oh yes! He said it was going to be a superhero team comic like Justice League of America or X-Men.”

Jack is an artist who does work in comics. He has always been into art, and his family has been very supportive of his talent and his decision to become a graphic artist. Art skills actually run in the family. His father is an artist, and the Gordons have some artists on their side of the family as well.

Mrs. Miller: “He told me at one point that he was straining his brain trying to come up with an idea for a comic book.”

Karen: “I can just see him making those faces he does when he’s in deep thought.”

Mrs. Miller: “Well, I’ve got to go, Hon. Dinner’s ready.”

Karen: “What are you and Uncle John having?”

Mrs. Miller: “We ordered two pizzas. Jack is coming over to have dinner with us.”

Jack is known for eating almost a whole medium pizza on his own. If it’s thin crust, he’ll eat every single piece. Sometimes he’ll even eat a whole medium pan pizza!

Mrs. Miller: “I’ll talk to you later, Hon. Bye.”

Karen: “Bye, Aunt Sarah.”

Note: Karen Gordon will be archived on my deviantART page here.


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