The Drawing Board Cast (Updated)

I thought it would be cool to put all of my character designs for my comic strip, titled The Drawing Board, into one picture. I just posted the eighth issue Sunday. I'll be coming up on the tenth issue after the next one. I'm really proud of this comic strip and what I've done with it. I hadn't done a lot of comics since elementary school. Back then, they were usually a page or more long, and they didn't have much dialogue. They mostly had action. I think Jim Davis' Garfield comic strip was part of what inspired me to take on the job of making a once a week comic strip. Garfield is a daily comic strip. I figured I'd start out doing my comic strip once a week and then maybe eventually I'd work up to a daily strip like him. I think Christopher Hart's book, titled Cartooning for Beginners, was helpful in my developing the right style for The Drawing Board. I was originally considering doing it in a more realistic style, but I felt like it wasn't the right style for the strip. I checked out Christopher Hart's book from the library and studied it. I came up with this style, and I think it's working really well for my comic strip. There's more of The Drawing Board to come, so stay tuned.

UPDATE: I rearranged some of the characters because I thought Jack and Matt should each be standing next to their girlfriends, not just Jack next to his.
