Superman Airbrushed Logo

This is a picture I airbrushed. I reversed it and tinted it blue in photoshop so it makes it look like the Superman logo in space. I used a cutout of the Superman logo for the airbrushing.

I entered in a contest on Deviant art for the movie 9. I would've posted my entry on here but I wasn't sure if that would get me disqualified. But if you want to see it, go to the link in the side menu on my blog for my Deviant Art gallery and look for the deviation (artwork) titled "Computerbot".

I've got one last section of chapter three in math to do, a chapter three review, both tomorrow, and then I'll do the chapter three quiz Thursday. That will leave me with plenty of time to study my art books Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I may do one of those portraits I mentioned in the previous blog tomorrow.


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