
Showing posts from 2017

Season's Greetings

I missed doing a merry Christmas post. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. New Year's Eve and Day are coming up. In the new year, I intend to do more art. I may post some of that art on here. Have a great new year!


I still intend to blog on here. I just haven't been posting in awhile due to technical difficulties. So, I might try to blog on here more regularly at some point. You can bookmark my blog, or follow it if you've got a Blogger account.

ZEN PENCILS ยป 90: IRA GLASS: Advice for beginners

ZEN PENCILS ยป 90: IRA GLASS: Advice for beginners

2 ways to be more productive by Bobby Chiu


New Art Blog Design

I'm trying out a new art blog design. the side bar can be seen by clicking on those three lines up top toward the left. There are new templates on Blogger so I thought I'd try one of them. We'll see how this goes.

4 valuable skills for artists by Bobby Chiu


Stone Face

"Stone Face" I was looking through my digital artworks and saw this, and I thought I'd blog it. I used a patterned fill for this using JASC Paint Shop Pro. That gave it the cracked texture around the face.  I also painted the face using a brush tool on the program.

Earth Day 2017

Happy Earth Day! It's great that the Earth became livable eons ago and that we came into existence on it. Different people have different ideas of how we came into existence on it, but I think the important thing is that we live on a beautiful planet that has pretty much everything a human being could want or need. Earth is awesome!

RIP Bernie Wrightson

Bernie Wrightson has passed away. He was a legendary artist. I remember reading Cycle of the Werewolf , by Stephen King, and his art in that book was awesome. His art was very detailed, and he was great at setting a mood for stories like that. His art was amazing, and he will be greatly missed.

10 Rules for Drawing Comics: Paolo Rivera's 10 Rules

This is an interesting article that I thought I'd share on my blog: 10 Rules for Drawing Comics: Paolo Rivera's 10 Rules : 1. Don't draw, sculpt. No, seriously. All your favorite superhero artists are also great sculptors โ€” it's just that their final ar...


I whole month has gone by and I hadn't done one post during that time. I haven't given up on my art blog, I just haven't felt like I've had anything to post. I have been doing drawings just about every day. I've got a sketchbook that I've been drawing in. Generally I prefer sketchbooks with heavy weight paper in them because I like the feel and what it's like to draw on the pages. This sketchbook has a different type of paper, but it's good. I got a big drawing pad for Christmas that I think has something along the lines of the heavy weight paper in it. I've sort of got ideas for that pad. I probably won't do anything like superhero drawings in it. I've got other types of drawings in mind. I don't know if I'll post any of it on here. For one thing, the paper is much too big for my scanner. In any case, I'm keeping pretty busy with my art, and I may get busier with it.

Bob Ross

Bob Ross was a great painter. He had a show on public television. He's known for his very calm and peaceful personality. He's got a site at . It's got things like videos of his show. Netflix also has two editions of his show, which by the way is titled The Joy of Painting . At the end of each episode, Bob Ross would always say "happy painting, and God bless."

Growling Werewolf

"Growling Werewolf" I drew this on paper and scanned it and digitally colored it. The original drawing is just a werewolf head. I think I basically just wanted to use this to experiment with my Wacom tablet, but I didn't want to bother drawing a body on the werewolf. If I'd been doing it to get published or something, I would have. I might have also done more work on it in paint shop.

John Wesley Shipp As The Flash

"John Wesley Shipp as the Flash" The Flash TV show in the early 1990s was awesome! John Wesley Shipp did a great job of playing Barry Allen. He now plays Jay Garrick on the current show on the CW. It was great to see the older show when it first aired. It wasn't long after the 1989 Batman movie had debuted. The Flash costume cool, and John Wesley Shipp looked like he could fit in in a Tim Burton Batman film. The above picture is a drawing I did of John Wesley Shipp as the Flash some years ago.

Wolverine Profile

"Wolverine Profile" This is a drawing I did on paper to start with. I digitally colored it. Wolverine is a great character. The Logan movie is coming up in March. If you haven't seen the second trailer for it, you might want to check it out. Hugh Jackman is an awesome Wolverine.

Cyclops And Wolverine

"Cyclops and Wolverine" This is fitting for Throwback Thursday. I think I probably digitally colored this close to the time that I got my Wacom tablet. This is also fitting considering that the next Wolverine movie, Logan , is coming in March. I've seen the trailers, and it looks awesome!

Groovy Eliza

"Groovy Eliza" Here's a drawing from one of my sketchbooks. It's Eliza Dushku as she appeared on That '70s Show . Eliza guest starred in an episode and played, I think a disc jockey.

Jessica Alba As Sue Storm

"Jessica Alba as Sue Storm" Here's an old drawing of Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman from the Tim Story-directed Fantastic Four films. I liked Jessica Alba as Sue Storm. I think it's too bad they stopped at too movies with that version of the FF. It would be cool if they would do something with FF like what they did with Spider-Man, so that they're in the same cinematic universe as the Avengers. X-Men would be cool in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) too. I'd like them to be all together. Maybe they will be, eventually.

Darkwing Duck

"Darkwing Duck" Darkwing Duck is a Disney cartoon show I used to watch in the early '90s. D.W. seems like he was inspired by Batman, and maybe the Shadow. He has a similar costume to the Shadow. There were also Darkwing Duck comics. I think Darkwing Duck seems like it was a hit.

Eliza Dushku Is Beautiful

"Eliza Dushku is Beautiful" This is something I drew in one of my sketchbooks. It was one of those sketchbooks you can buy at Walmart that have the pocket page in them. I drew it on the pocket on one side of the pocket page. Eliza Dushku is awesome!


"Angel" Here's a portrait I did of a friend's dog. I drew it on paper in colored pencils. I like dogs. Ever since my family and I got a Yorkie, I've been more into dogs. Dogs have a tendency to be kind and loving. I'm especially into Yorkies. Dogs are awesome!


Untitled I did this drawing for someone some years ago. I never gave it a title. I plan on doing more art in the new year. And I may do more art blogging. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year 2017

"Happy New Year" I never blogged this drawing before, and I thought it would be appropriate for New Year's Day. It's a drawing I did on scratch paper. You scratch off the black stuff and a different color shows through. In this case, multiple colors show through. It sort of looks like a rainbow pattern of colors. I had a great New Year's Eve with my family. I'm disappointed that the holidays are coming to an end, but I'm also kind of interested to see what the new year brings. Here's hoping 2017 will be an awesome year. Happy New Year!