Miscellaneous Musings

First off, it's the latter part of 2015 and I still haven't created a new deviantID for my deviantART page yet. I haven't had any ideas for it. I know that when I do come up with something, I'm not going to date it like my current one. Until then, I'll either leave the current one up or I might use an old one in it's place. Christopher Hart has a YouTube page. You can check it out at www.youtube.com/user/chrishart… . He has some cool videos on there. He has a lot of videos about how to draw this and that. He's also on here, as you can see from the icon at the beginning of this paragraph. He's got a great sense of humor and he's a pro at drawing and teaching people how to draw with his how-to-draw books. I'm currently reading his book titled The Master Guide to Drawing Anime . He's an inspiration to me and everyone else who reads his books. Grimm: The Coins of Zakynthos graphic novel I'm currently reading the graphic novel titled G...