
"Jeff" My sister bought me some new art pads this week, and this is my first artwork from one of those. They're Royal & Langnickel Essentials artist pads. Each one that my sister got me has a different type of paper for different media. The one that I used for this artwork is a drawing pad. I started out drawing this with a mechanical pencil. I didn't think it was dark enough so, another night I used some art pencils. I think the first one I used was 6B. The last one I used was 8B. 6B was darker, but I thought I needed to also use 8B to give it more depth. I'll undoubtedly have more artworks to post from those art pads. On a different note, I thought I'd close out this post by mentioning that I have a new section in the menu below my banner. It's a portfolio section. I have a few artworks on that page, and I'll have more as I do ones that I find suitable to that page.