
Showing posts from July, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

My dad and I saw The Dark Knight Rises, and it is truly a masterpiece! It was great to see all those characters back on the big screen. Anne Hathaway was great as Catwoman, and I think the costume looked great. Tom Hardy was menacing as Bane. Marion Cotillard was great as Miranda Tate, and if you haven't seen the movie yet, I'll just say that there's more to her character than meets the eye. The regular cast was great as usual, and Christopher Nolan and Crew as awesome as ever as well. Hans Zimmer's score was fantastic. It's an epic movie. This is Batman and his world as you've never seen them before in the movies. It's a great story, and it's very exciting. Considering that this is supposedly Christopher Nolan's last Batman movie, it's a bitter sweet. It's sad that it's the last of this incarnation of Batman on film, but it's an immensely enjoyable installment in the series. Now having seen the entire trilogy, I feel like checking...

Letter and Autograph From Jim Davis

Not long ago, I sent a message to the Webmaster on, asking for an autograph and/or a drawing from Jim Davis. More recently, they sent me the two things in the picture above. I thought it was really cool to receive these, and I really appreciate them. Jim Davis, Garfield, and the people at Paws, Inc. are awesome!

Aurora, Colorado Massacre

By now you've probably heard about this. The massacre in a Colorado theater has been on the news all day. It's really disturbing. One of the victims, if I remember correctly, was a three-month-old child. It's really sad. I think they should not cancel showings of The Dark Knight Rises, and in fact do a tribute to the victims at every showing. Thoughts and prayers to the victims, and hopefully justice will served quickly and powerfully.


Matt Wieringo, brother of comic book artist Mike Wieringo, blogged about a new memorial to raise money for the Hero Initiative. The Hero Initiative is an organization dedicated to helping out people in the comics industry. For more information, check out their official site, here . Marvel editor Tom Brevoort and Jim McLaughlin came up with this memorial. The memorial is dedicated to Mike Wieringo and Mark Gruenwald. Matt's blog post is here , and it has a link to the site for the memorial at the end of the post (Wieringo). Works Cited Wieringo, Matt. "M-Day." Blog posting. 13 Jul 2012. Ad Nauseum . Web. 13 Jul 2012.

The Amazing Spider-man (Movie)

I saw The Amazing Spider-man tonight with my dad. It's AWESOME! If they insisted on rebooting Spider-man, I think they did it the right way. I was a little concerned beforehand because I read that there was no wrestling scene, no speaking the line "with great power comes great responsibility," and the costume wasn't exactly like the one in the comics, although it was an awesome costume. But, despite those concerns, I think it was an amazing movie, pun intended. They did include those elements of the origin, in a way, by the way. Just not in the same way as in the comics. Some people have been comparing it to the Sam Raimi movies. I think Sam Raimi and Marc Webb's versions of Spidey are each great in their own ways. I am definitely looking forward to a sequel to The Amazing Spider-man .

Rowan Atkinson as Enrico Pollini

This is Rowan Atkinson as Enrico Pollini from the 2001 comedy film, Rat Race . Rowan Atkinson is one of the funniest and most talented actors there is. I was disappointed to read on Wikipedia today that Mr. Bean's Holiday is the last time Rowan Atkinson will play Mr. Bean. The great thing about the actor though is that any character he plays is gold. Anything he does is entertaining. Johnny English seems like he's becoming as popular a character as Mr. Bean himself. I've seen both Johnny English movies and he's a really cool character. So, here's to Rowan Atkinson!

Judge Dredd Profile

He is THE LAW! I've been psyched about the new Judge Dredd movie, simply titled Dredd , so I did this drawing. I thought the Sylvester Stallone Judge Dredd movie was cool, and I think this new one, which IS NOT A SEQUEL, will be cool too. Maybe even better. I know the Stallone film was more or less poorly received. So, if you were disappointed about that one, I don't think you will be with the new one. Some people complained about Stallone taking the helmet off in the movie he was in. Karl Urban has said that you won't see his face without the helmet. It looks like in the trailer, the most you might see is the back of his head when he's putting it on. It looks to be an awesome movie. They have a Web site up for the movie, so if your interested, you can check it out at .

Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury

I've had a few artworks that I haven't posted yet, so I thought I'd blog one today. This drawing is one I did around the time my dad and I went to see The Avengers at the theater. I might go back and digitally color. I think it would look even cooler that way. I think Samuel L. Jackson is great as Nick Fury. I think it's cool that they decided to go with the Ultimate version. If you haven't seen The Avengers yet, I recommend checking it out. If you have seen it, I recommend going to see it again.